Bir radio buttona tıklanınca ona ait selection screen in açılması için at selection screen output eventı kullanılır.Modif id lere göre gruplandırma işlemlerini yapar.
selection-screen begin of block b1 with frame title text-001.
parameters:malz_ana radiobutton group gr1 user-command
rd default 'X' modif id gr1,
mus_malz radiobutton group gr1 modif id gr1,
alt_olcu radiobutton group gr1 modif id gr1.
selection-screen end of block b1.
*1. Malzeme Ana verisi
selection-screen begin of block b2 with frame title text-002.
parameters:mlz_ver radiobutton group gr2 user-command
rd default 'X' modif id gr2,
mlz_sts radiobutton group gr2 modif id gr2 ,
mlz_urt radiobutton group gr2 modif id gr2,
mlz_depo radiobutton group gr2 modif id gr2,
mlz_dgr radiobutton group gr2 modif id gr2,
depo_mlz radiobutton group gr2 modif id gr2,
mlz_avru radiobutton group gr2 modif id gr2.
selection-screen end of block b2.
*1.1. Genel Malzeme Verileri
selection-screen begin of block b3 with frame title text-003.
select-options : s_matnr for mara-matnr modif id gr3,
s_mtart for mara-mtart modif id gr3,
s_spart for mara-spart modif id gr3,
s_ersda for mara-ersda modif id gr3,
s_matkl for mara-matkl modif id gr3,
s_mbrsh for mara-mbrsh modif id gr3.
selection-screen end of block b3 .
*1.2. Malzeme için satış verileri
selection-screen begin of block b4 with frame title text-004.
select-options : s_vkorg for mvke-vkorg modif id gr4,
s_vtweg for mvke-vtweg modif id gr4,
s_spart1 for mara-spart modif id gr4,
s_matkl1 for mara-matkl modif id gr4,
s_prodh for mvke-prodh modif id gr4,
s_mtart1 for mara-mtart modif id gr4,
s_matnr1 for mara-matnr modif id gr4.
selection-screen end of block b4 .
*1.3. Malzeme için üretim yeri verileri
selection-screen begin of block b5 with frame title text-005.
select-options : s_werks for marc-werks modif id gr5,
s_matnr2 for mara-matnr modif id gr5,
s_mtart2 for mara-mtart modif id gr5,
s_spart2 for mara-spart modif id gr5,
s_matkl2 for mara-matkl modif id gr5,
s_ekgrp for marc-ekgrp modif id gr5,
s_dispr for marc-dispr modif id gr5.
selection-screen end of block b5 .
*1.4. Malzeme depo yeri verileri
selection-screen begin of block b6 with frame title text-006.
select-options : s_werks3 for mard-werks modif id gr6,
s_lgort for mard-lgort modif id gr6,
s_matnr3 for mard-matnr modif id gr6,
s_mtart3 for mara-mtart modif id gr6,
s_spart3 for mara-spart modif id gr6,
s_matkl3 for mara-matkl modif id gr6,
s_diskz for mard-diskz modif id gr6,
s_lgpbe for mard-lgpbe modif id gr6.
selection-screen end of block b6 .
**1.5. Depo numarasına ilişkin malzeme verileri
selection-screen begin of block b8 with frame title text-008.
select-options : s_lgnum8 for mlgn-lgnum modif id gr8,
s_matnr8 for mlgn-matnr modif id gr8.
selection-screen end of block b8 .
*1.6. Malzemeye ait Avrupa ürün numaraları
selection-screen begin of block b9 with frame title text-009.
select-options : s_spart9 for mara-spart modif id gr9,
s_matnr9 for mlgn-matnr modif id gr9.
selection-screen end of block b9 .
*2. Müşteri Malzeme Bilgi Kaydı radio butonunun seçilmesi
selection-screen begin of block b10 with frame title text-010.
select-options : s_vkor10 for knmt-vkorg modif id g10,
s_vtwe10 for knmt-vtweg modif id g10,
s_spar10 for mara-spart modif id g10,
s_kunn10 for knmt-kunnr modif id g10,
s_matn10 for knmt-matnr modif id g10.
selection-screen end of block b10 .
at selection-screen.
at selection-screen output.
loop at screen.
if malz_ana eq 'X'.
if mlz_ver eq 'X'.
if screen-group1 eq 'GR3'.
screen-active = 1.
if screen-group1 eq 'GR4' or screen-group1 eq 'GR5'
or screen-group1 eq 'GR6' or screen-group1 eq 'GR7'
or screen-group1 eq 'GR8' or screen-group1 eq 'GR9'
or screen-group1 eq 'G10'.
screen-active = 0.
elseif mlz_sts eq 'X'.
if screen-group1 eq 'GR4'.
screen-active = 1.
if screen-group1 eq 'GR3' or screen-group1 eq 'GR5'
or screen-group1 eq 'GR6' or screen-group1 eq 'GR7'
or screen-group1 eq 'GR8' or screen-group1 eq 'GR9'
or screen-group1 eq 'G10'.
screen-active = 0.
elseif mlz_urt eq 'X'.
if screen-group1 eq 'GR5'.
screen-active = 1.
if screen-group1 eq 'GR3' or screen-group1 eq 'GR4'
or screen-group1 eq 'GR6' or screen-group1 eq 'GR7'
or screen-group1 eq 'GR8' or screen-group1 eq 'GR9'
or screen-group1 eq 'G10'.
screen-active = 0.
elseif mlz_depo eq 'X'.
if screen-group1 eq 'GR6'.
screen-active = 1.
if screen-group1 eq 'GR3' or screen-group1 eq 'GR4'
or screen-group1 eq 'GR5' or screen-group1 eq 'GR7'
or screen-group1 eq 'GR8' or screen-group1 eq 'GR9'
or screen-group1 eq 'G10'.
screen-active = 0.
elseif depo_mlz eq 'X'.
if screen-group1 eq 'GR8'.
screen-active = 1.
if screen-group1 eq 'GR3' or screen-group1 eq 'GR4'
or screen-group1 eq 'GR5' or screen-group1 eq 'GR7'
or screen-group1 eq 'GR6' or screen-group1 eq 'GR9'
or screen-group1 eq 'G10'.
screen-active = 0.
elseif mlz_avru eq 'X'.
if screen-group1 eq 'GR9'.
screen-active = 1.
if screen-group1 eq 'GR3' or screen-group1 eq 'GR4'
or screen-group1 eq 'GR5' or screen-group1 eq 'GR7'
or screen-group1 eq 'GR6' or screen-group1 eq 'GR8'
or screen-group1 eq 'G10'.
screen-active = 0.
if screen-group1 eq 'GR3'or screen-group1 eq 'GR4' or
screen-group1 eq 'GR5'
or screen-group1 eq 'GR6' or screen-group1 eq 'GR8' or
screen-group1 eq 'GR9'
or screen-group1 eq 'G10'.
screen-active = 0.
if screen-group1 eq 'GR2'.
screen-active = 1.
elseif mus_malz eq 'X' .
if screen-group1 eq 'G10'.
screen-active = 1.
if screen-group1 eq 'GR2' or screen-group1 eq 'GR3' or
screen-group1 eq 'GR5'
or screen-group1 eq 'GR4' or screen-group1 eq 'GR6' or
screen-group1 eq 'GR8'
or screen-group1 eq 'GR9' .
screen-active = 0.
if screen-group1 eq 'GR2' or screen-group1 eq 'GR3' or
screen-group1 eq 'GR5'
or screen-group1 eq 'GR4' or screen-group1 eq 'GR6' or
screen-group1 eq 'GR8'
or screen-group1 eq 'GR9' or screen-group1 eq 'G10'.
screen-active = 0.
modify screen.
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